Tech Startups Innovations Will Enable Growth For Manufacturers In 2021

Tech Startups Innovations Will Enable Growth For Manufacturers In 2021

Rahul Garg, CEO & Founder, elaborates how innovations by tech startups will enable growth for manufacturers in 2021. He takes a walk down last year’s memory lane, connecting it to our action-plan for 2021 and beyond. From accepting the need of digitisation to letting go of manual practices, the innovations from the startup ecosystem will be the route to achieve self-reliance.

Tech startups will have opportunities to add value to creating a National Supply Chain Network that will bring all stakeholders on the same platform through digital connectivity. Digital connectivity will be critical to building agility, speed, and scale capabilities as Indian manufacturing enterprises look to get a more significant share of the global value chain in manufacturing. 

Rahul also says that we need to segregate the supply chain ecosystem into a sum of parts that can be stitched together on-demand through combinatorial innovation to pivot with agility towards goods essential to creating jobs and protecting livelihoods. Solutions driven by scalable technologies like cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and machine learning can make this happen.

The aim is to have a vision today of becoming self-reliant and then to live this vision tomorrow. The key lies with Indian tech startups, they need to reverse the direction of innovation; focus on providing solutions to our local challenges first and then scaling up successful products across markets in the rest of the world.

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